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Residing in the Leningradskiy district, Kaliningrad’s most modern and dynamically developing neighborhood, the company "Akfen" is building the new multifunctional infrastructural residential complex “Sun City”. Currently construction and planning has several public, retail, sport and entertainment facilities to include pedestrian areas and car parks.

Project planning has the structure hosting thousands of square meters in living space and almost the same for different socio-cultural facilities, such as kindergartens, schools and leisure facilities. In addition to offices, pharmacies, cafes, bars, household service institutions and service centers which will be located on the first floor, there are plans for an Orthodox church to be constructed in the complex area.

The project focuses on the development of the transport services. The future development has a highway on the northern boundary of the neighborhood, which will be constructed to alleviate the traffic and stress from entering the Sovetskiy Prospect. Multi-level parking is also included in this project.

Landscaping with be added along the main streets, boulevards and lanes.

Leningradskiy district of the regional center is developing at a rapid pace:

  • 15 minutes away from the city center;

  • the grocery and industrial market “Selma” is within walking distance;

  • large shopping centers (“Victoria”, “Baucenter”, “Sedmoy Continent”) reside in the neighborhood;

  • near to the sports and entertainment complex “Yantar”;

  • two new-built kindergartens in the area with construction for another school that will house 1,500 students;

  • construction of multi-level car parks is also planned.

The company “Akfen” contributes to the implementation of a residential program in the Kaliningrad region, which allocates living space in constructed buildings. 10% of it belongs to the Administration of the urban district "Kaliningrad City".

Дом №49

Информация о доме

Начало строительства 3 квартал 2012
Окончание строительства 1 квартал 2014
Этажность 17
Статус продажи открыты
Тип дома монолитно-кирпичный
Отопление центральное
Готовность дома 80 %
Условия оплаты долевое участие/рассрочка


Дом № 49 по улице Генерала Челнокова в Калининграде. Строительство начато в 2012 году, планируемый срок сдачи дома в эксплуатацию -  2014 года. Продажи уже открыты!

17-ти этажный жилой дом с цокольным этажом под офисные помещения. Ниже вы сможете ознакомится с планировками квартир в разных секциях и на разных этажах этого дома.


Рекомендуем посмотреть примерную расстановку мебели

Готовность дома 80%  (посмотреть ход строительства)

  Property Request    

Now in the Leningradskiy district in Kaliningrad the multifunctional infrastructural complex is being formed. There is going a construction and planning of several public, retail, sport and entertainment facilities with pedestrian areas and parking lots.

Here, in this most modern and dynamically developing neighborhood of ​​the city, the company "Akfen" is building a residential complex "Sun City".